Saturday, May 03, 2008

You saved, boy?

Dalhart to Pampa
Day 12
coverin' them there 110 miles
in 5 hours, 50 minutes
with a speed of 19 mph

Got to write Texan jus' now
got to talk like Bush Sr
pointing - makin' my point
hand sweeping forward
to show the way

short chopped sentences
'bout how flat things is
in these parts
panhandle of Texas

the good folk of the south
being real nice and such
wonderin' what the hell
us folks are up to
ridin' bikes 'cross the
whole dang country
foolishness, when you can drive
an git there so much faster

you look up flat in the
diction'ery and ya'll find
these here parts as the

Day 13
Pampa, TX to Elk City, OK
97 miles, 5:20, 18.1 mph
payback is hell
25 mph headwinds
cold, frozen fingers and toes
get here
and it's 70 and calm
dang, now
why ain'tcha' ridin' now

Preacher man in the gas station
where we stop to get our
quart of chocolate milk
after each ride
his polyester suit 40 years old
his cross belt buckle
inquires if we're all saved
and riding with God
I tell him
I sure hope so, man
I sure hope so