Blown Away
Day 11 97 miles from Tucumcari to Dalhart, TX in 4:10 averaging 23.1 mph. Who ever would have thought a 97 mile day would be considered short and easy? Yes, another phenomenal tailwind made this day ever so easy. Pulling into Dalhart, one is greeted by the factory farms of beef. One good whiff cures one for life of McDonalds. There's enough methane out there to power India and half of China ... an indescribable smell.
Geoff Maxted wrote: Biking is about seeing the world from a different perspective: an escape from gray government and boring business; from the shop floor and the high rise. It's about pitting yourself against yourself and winning; forgetting - for a while - the hassles of modern life. Bills are for tomorrow. If you're not already addicted it may be, that after the first few turns of the cranks, you will hear the call and , converted, at the end of your ride the sound you'll hear is your own elemental heart applauding.
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