MS and into Alabama
Day 21 138 miles from Senatobia to Aberdeen, MS in 8 hours at 17.2 mph. A Mother's Day present of a wonderful tailwind. I rode solo most of the day, enjoying memories of Mom, feeling her with me. Delighted to have been birthed by such a strong, intelligent, capable lady. Honored to have been able to give to her, and receive so much from her. Amazed that she kept alive two most important virtues until her passing ... Curiosity and Gratitude.
Mississippi Impressions:
the sweet smells of honeysuckle, jasmine, and magnolia
far far too many mean dogs that chase bikes
possums to join all the armadillo roadkill
gorgeous lawns and large southern homes
quiet country roads
a church on every corner (one burg had maybe 7 houses ... and TWO churches!)
unending pollen as my eyes itch so much and I'm sneezing non-stop (one of my 832 sneezes pulled a muscle in my knee, fergawd's sake)
Day 22 110 miles from Aberdeen, MS to Tuscaloosa, AL in 6:25 at 17.2 mph. This just could have been the most fun I've ever had on a bicycle. We awoke to 46 degree temperature (in MS in May!) and the day quickly warmed, so the temps were perfect. Our route took us through quiet country areas, exquisite roads on which to cycle. The companionship was terrific, as the A team (James, Pat, and Norman) took it easy today and caught us of the B team (yours truly, Conrad, Frank, and Tom) after mile 60 and rode the last 50 miles with us. The hills were a joy to climb, the countryside so very lush, the sights and smells pure delight. A spectacular day of cycling!
A 'typical' day on the Tour:
Awake at 5:30am
Breakfast at 6
Luggage load at 7
Ride 40 miles to the first sag stop
Ride another 40 to the lunch stop
Ride the last 40 to the hotel
Go to fast food joint for quick 1k calories, large chocolate milkshake
Shower, stretch
Visit buddies
Eat dinner
Blog and email
Set alarm
Wash, rinse, repeat in some new place.
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