Saturday, April 19, 2008

With Friends Like This ...

how could I not have a fantastic ride? An email from my buddy Doug arrives this am.

Morning Eric.

Well, the grand adventure is about to begin. I grew up in Newport Beach, the next town west from Costa Mesa. I wish I was there; I'd show you around, take you out for a meal at Pipes (a surfer restaurant), cruise the coast....

Yesterday, as part of my meditation, GrandAmy and I cooked up a special mojo supply depot just for you. It's stocked with a wide assortment of energetic goodies that we thought you might need. Here are a few of the items on the shelves:

Bottles of Anti-Boink potion
Cups of Courage
Pain-be-gone Pills
Super-strength Salve
Edible Endurance Bars
Perspective Pills
Humility Sweeteners (for those bitter humbling moments)
Emergency Energy Drink
Humor Boosters
Sex Fantasy Distraction Tabs

and of course the crucial ... Sore Ass Ointment

Just think of GrandAmy and she'll morph into a door. Swing it open and the storeroom of pure energy mojo is at your disposal.

Be safe and have a grand adventure!
